Autism Awareness
Mom Stories 💙
Meet: Victoria Bell
Where do you live? Pasadena, CA
What’s your sign? Virgo
What is it like parenting a child on the spectrum?
It is both difficult and wonderful. I’ve learned and grown so much from parenting my son’s who are both Autistic. They are such pure, loving souls and I feel blessed everyday to be their mother.
Do you have any good coping strategies that you want to share?
Meditating and praying every morning helps me a lot. I need to let go of my problems and fears everyday and ask for help from my higher power. It really helps.
How do you practice self care?
I try to not get lost in the shuffle. I try to not feel guilty for taking time for myself. It is necessary for my well-being. Even if it’s to just get a pedicure or meet a friend for lunch. Making myself a priority is a must to stay sane and happy.
What inspires you?
The love from my husband and children. Nature. My dog. A good book or music. The simple things I guess.
Describe yourself in 1 word – FAB-U-LOUS!!!!
#autismmom #fabulous #dontfeelguilty #selfcare #meditatation #prayer #higherpower #onedayatatime #boys #specialneeds #onthespectrum