Featured Female
Meet: Amy Satamian
Where is your Hometown? Pasadena, Ca
Favorite movie/song/book?
Movie: there’s so many but if I had to pick one: Gladiator
Song: I can’t say I have a favorite song as I listen to all genres, whatever moves my soul. But I love my 80’s music. So hard to pick one….
Crazy by K-C & Jojo
Book: women and Money by Nancy Linari
What’s your sign? Scorpio
Favorite place on earth? Italy
What inspires you?
My future self 10 years from now.
Amy Satamian is an entrepreneur of the Mind, Body and Soul. She has been in the wellness industry for over 8 years guiding clients. As a health and wellness coach she guides clients to reach their optimal weight loss goals by assisting in changing their mindset around food and the relationship we have created.
She has worked with hundreds of clients helping them in reaching their desired health and weight loss goals, by providing easy to implement customized meal plans, and assisting in healing past pain that affects one on a soul level.
The Satamian Effect works with all three major areas of your being: Mind, Body, & Soul resulting in a total transformation of health and your life. Coach Amy loves helping people because it’s her passion, it's her calling, it’s why she's here state's Coach Amy. To guide others on their own journey of healing and well-being.
Where can we find you?
Facebook: @AmySatamian
Instagram : health_coaching_by_amy
TicTok: healthcoachingbyamy