Featured Female
Meet (name): Melissa Sabater
Where is your Hometown? Philadelphia
Favorite movie/song/book?
I love all types of music , but I get nostalgic with The American Songbook songs.
Books I always loved are by Jackie Collins and Danielle Steele. I also like mysteries.
What’s your sign? m a Gemini May 28th
Favorite place on earth?
My favorite place in the world has been Wildwood NJ. I also love Victorian places.
What inspires you?
Smart conversation inspires me.
I’m a Philadelphia native from North Philly and have resided in South Philly since 2002. I have 2 children and 3 grandchildren. I’ve been a local actress, pretty much since my 20’s. As a teenager I danced on 2 popular dance tv shows. (Dancin' on Air & Dance Party USA)
Along with my Theater work, I’ve done a lot of voice overs in Spanish and English and was in a web series called The Book of Nimrod, written by Carla Morales. The first season is on YouTube. Now I’m writing to put my many stories up. Coming soon!!.
I always worked in the food industry as a server and bartender all over the city.
I have always had a cleaning service in between bartending and serving.
I call myself The Domestic Goddess. I am a detail cleaner and miracle worker at times lol. My cleaning service is in Philadelphia and parts of New Jersey and I will be serving Wildwood this summer with my team.
I want to thank Annette & Gigi for featuring me on your site.
Where can we find you?
( Google Sparkling Magic Touch)
FB - www.facebook.com/Sparkling-Magic-Touch-llc-102014965204909