Featured Female
Meet: Cerlette Lamme Roberts
Where is your Hometown? Hollywood, CA
Favorite movie/song/book?
Song; Bittersweet Symphony by The Verv
Movie; Clockwork Orange, Dr Stangelove & Love Actually
Book; Dracula & Wuthering Heights
What’s your sign? Aries
Favorite place on earth? New Zealand
What inspires you? Through Music, books, & the arts, they open up my creative side & help me to be a better person.
I was born in Beverly Hills because my mom wanted me to be delivered by Elizabeth Taylor's doctor . and I was.
I grew up in Hollywood, California surrounded by many creative people, who had a great influence on me.
My mom Haji, was a Russ Myers girl, known for her film "Faster, Faster Pussycat, kill kill"
I had my first job at nine years old modeling for the Sears catalog.
At ten, I auditioned and got a scholarship to ABA. Loved it.
They'd fly us out to New York during the summers and we train at the ABT.
A few years later I also began skating, I was a natural! At the age of 12, I did my first ice show as a snowflake. Joined the (USFSA) and four years later Sir John Nicks, the head of Ice Capades asked me to go pro. I was 16 and all I had to do was show up. Also, at the same time, a short film I did, "Hot Tomorrows" went on to win a Oscar for best short film. It was an amazing experience!
I would later go on to college where I would get my degree in teaching and met my future husband, actor Jeremy Roberts.
Twenty - Six years later we're still happily married, with a beautiful daughter Rylee Rain.
I've worked in television/film with Composer / Producer Kurt Farquhar. Moesha, Sister, Sister, King Of Queens to name a few of our shows.
Spirituality has always been in my life. For me it's a very personal journey. You have to grow from the inside out. Nobody can teach you. And nobody can make you spiritual. There isn't any other real teacher than your own soul.
I'm now enjoying the simple life with my family. Looking forward to the next adventure & enjoying my writing!
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