Saturday Stories
Featured Female
Meet: Mary Cooper DelBono
Where is your Hometown? New York…But lived in Boston Sf/Bay area/Los Angeles Now on the Central Coast
Favorite movie/song/book?
Song: Imagine/ John Lennon Practically anything by Leonard Cohen and Paul Simon. A big fan of Classical, Rock and Roll and Jazz
Book (s) Little Women, To kill a Mockingbird, I know why the caged bird sings, The Dove keepers…I have always been an avid reader!
Movie; Mercant Ivory films. Age of Innocence, Room with a view, Howards End, Auntie Mame and anything with Rosalind Russell!
What’s your sign? Taurus w/Scorpio rising and a Pisces moon
Favorite place on earth? Muir Woods, my Grandparents Mahopac NY lake house, NYC
What inspires you? Children, Nature & Animals
I’ve always felt that I was in the right place at the right time. I’ve always been an activist, In the early 70’s I was very involved with the Anti War movement, Civil Rights, and the Women’s Movement. If I was physically able at this point in time, I would be involved with Senior Rights.
I have always been very compassionate and I always see both sides of all situations which can be both difficult and amusing!
My major goal in life was to be a Mother and Grandmother and I enjoy it and adore my Grandsons. I have also always had fur babies and love my 2 kitties (a chapter on that later, lol)
Aging is a funny thing. Everyone is different. I’ve noticed that society’s approach to aging in this country is disrespectful and it seems the elderly become invisible, unless of course you are active and healthy, then somewhat less invisible.
In other societies the older people are revered for their wisdom. Once everything starts to go, wisdom is what you are left with. It is a very different and interesting stage. Sometimes it feels like our power has been taken away.
Regardless, I am still me despite what’s happening with my body.
Where can we find you? At home snuggling with my cats and reading a book…
#women #aging #activist #believe #womensrights #seniorrights #reading #books #lovecats #peaceful #naturelover #wisdom #society #seniors #gettingolder #mindbody #iamnotmybody #mom #granny #thetraveledpath